Happy birthday little one!

Today is the 2nd birthday of my little girl. This time two years ago we were spending our first evening as a family of four and were welcoming a little baby girl into our lives. Here she is in on her very first day in the world grace bornand here she is on her 1st birthday grace 1and now here she is on her 2nd birthday

IMG_1456I watched her walk up the stairs today and could hardly believe that two years had passed since she was a tiny, mewling little creature who could barely open her eyes.

Now she can walk, run, jump, dance. She can explain in words how she is feeling, that she is happy, that something is funny, that she is angry, that she is sad. She can count to 10 (with a few numbers missing in between), she knows her colours, she knows the names of animals, days of the week, people in her life.

She loves her brother, she thinks he is amazing, she drives him crazy. She loves her daddy, she thinks he is funny, that he is ‘too loud’, that he gives great cuddles. She loves her mummy, she needs her cuddles and kisses and to hold her hand. She loves her sleepytime bear and her brown bear and her puppy. She loves Ben and Holly and Peppa Pig. She loves to see dogs walking past and to say hello to random strangers in the supermarket. She loves to be naughty and give a toothy, sideways grin knowing she’ll get away with murder. She laughs all the time, she snuggles all the time.

She’s my baby girl.. Except now she’s two. Happy birthday lovely girl.

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2 Responses to Happy birthday little one!

  1. momasteblog says:

    Sniff sniff. She is a doll. Lovely pics and post!

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